
CHS Payback feed pays you back

We can help you succeed with your feeding operation, whether you’ve got a large commercial operation or are raising a smaller group of animals as part of your rural lifestyle.

Every product in the Payback® line is carefully formulated with the highest quality ingredients and all the essentials to improve health, performance and production. This dependable, hardworking feed gives each animal what it needs, economically. Whether you buy Payback feed by the bag or by the truckload, you get smart nutrition plus expert services that deliver a proven return on your investment.

As a product of CHS, Payback is backed by services such as profit projections, recordkeeping, animal health and environmental engineering. In addition to the feed staff at our cooperative, regional CHS nutrition consultants are available to help you customize a feeding program that precisely fits your practices, pastures and preferences. Ask us about leading ration balancing programs, performance projections, and water, hay and forage sampling services to help accurately balance your rations year-round.

Reach out to the CHS Feed team to get started on a Payback program

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